It’s a project-based world!

We love projects, but especially special projects and the ones integrating social media. We coordinate the project from start to end, that is from idea-development and transmission up to the marketing of the finished project, but we are also patient listeners who may also sort things out quickly and offer other ways to help you meet tight deadlines. Meanwhile we co-operate with project partners to support, to finalise or to realise their own projects or projects of all kinds, some of them are non-commercial projects, these are the most inspiring and challenging ones.

Small is beautiful !

Our tiny core team of passoniate creatives is working with a bunch of dedicated networkers all experts in their field. Our talent pool is local or international but always project-driven.

“We are working actually on your project !”

white balance – projects pool agency has its roots in political marketing, coaching and strategic development & dissemination for European IT & Research projects. Over the past 20 years we have been entrusted with many types of projects and consider that any project may deserve the best exposure, that is why we bring the perfect ‘mélange’ of people and resources to help you to achieve your goals and to accomplish together something that at the end it simply feels right!

If we are not asking you the right questions straight away, it is because we are listening carefully to your concerns first. Each project starts at white balance with ‘why?’.

What we do

[Digital Marketing] [Mobile Application] [International Project Management]  [Public Relations] [Event Planning]